Want to improve your networking? Go to better events. We wish we were kidding about that, but it's true that most networking events are so poorly designed that they yield no results at all. We do things differently at Tech After Five. For years we have given you a list of people who have registered for the event. Well, we're working on a new format and this episode talks about how to plan and execute your attendance at Tech After Five by using the list.
Using our simple three step plan will help you get more out of any networking event.
1) Narrow Your Focus
You can use the list to identify the contacts most likely to be meaningful for you as you build your network. Likely as not, there are more than you can actually talk to, so identify 5 or so that you would like to connect with.
2) Do Your Homework
You might be great at "Cold Reads" but probably not. Why not be prepared before you get in the room. Research your Focus list on websites like LinkedIn before the event. You are more likely to be able to recognize them in the room and a quick review of their background might help you understand the ways in which you might be related or relatable.
3) Execute with Intention
All of this is for nothing if you don't show up ready to be a connector. Be useful. Be helpful. Ask great questions. Follow up like nobody else. Most people are pretty bad at networking. It's going to be easy for you to distinguish yourself. But you've got to network like you mean it.
For more information about podcast hosts Phil Yanov and Scott Pfeiffer, be sure to look them up on LinkedIn.
Phil Yanov: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philyanov/
Scott Pfeiffer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottpfeiffer/